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A namerd config example

  kind: io.l5d.inMemory
    galaxyquest: |
      /host       => /#/io.l5d.fs;
      /http/1.1/* => /host;
- kind: io.l5d.fs
  rootDir: examples/disco
- kind: io.l5d.thriftNameInterpreter
  port: 4100
  retryBaseSecs:  600
  retryJitterSecs: 60
- kind: io.l5d.httpController
  port: 4321

Welcome to the Configuration Reference for namerd!

namerd’s configuration is controlled via config file, which must be provided as a command-line argument. It may be a local file path or - to indicate that the configuration should be read from the standard input.

File Format

The configuration may be specified as a JSON or YAML object.

Key Required Description
admin no Configures namerd’s administrative interface. namerd admin has the same options as Linkerd admin.
interfaces no Configures namerd’s published network interfaces.
storage yes Configures namerd’s storage backend.
namers no Configures namerd’s integration with various service discovery backends. namerd uses the same namers as linkerd.

Administrative interface

  port: 9991

namerd supports an administrative interface. The exposed admin port is configurable via a top-level admin section.

Key Default Value Description
port 9991 Port for the admin interface.


An interface is a published network interface to namerd.

Key Default Value Description
kind required Either io.l5d.thriftNameInterpreter or io.l5d.httpController.
ip interface dependent The local IP address on which to serve the namer interface.
port interface dependent The port number on which to server the namer interface.

Thrift Name Interpreter

kind: io.l5d.thriftNameInterpreter

A read-only interface providing NameInterpreter functionality over the ThriftMux protocol.

Key Default Value Description
ip The local IP address on which to serve the namer interface.
port 4100 The port number on which to server the namer interface.
retryBaseSecs 600 Base number of seconds to tell clients to wait before retrying after an error.
retryJitterSecs 60 Maximum number of seconds to jitter retry time by.
cache see cache Binding and address cache size configuration.


Key Default Value Description
bindingCacheActive 1000 The size of the binding active cache.
bindingCacheInactive 100 The size of the binding inactive cache.
addrCacheActive 1000 The size of the address active cache.
addrCacheInactive 100 The size of the address inactive cache.

Http Controller

kind: io.l5d.httpController

A read-write HTTP interface to the storage.

Key Default Value Description
ip loopback The local IP address on which to serve the namer interface.
port 4180 The port number on which to serve the namer interface.


A storage object configures the namerd dtabStore which stores and retrieves dtabs. This object supports the following params:

Key Default Value Description
kind required Either io.l5d.inMemory, io.l5d.k8s, io.l5d.zk, io.l5d.etcd or io.l5d.consul.
experimental false Set this to true to enable the storage if it is experimental.

In Memory

kind: io.l5d.inMemory

Stores the dtab in memory. Not suitable for production use.

Key Default Value Description
namespaces empty map A map of namespaces to corresponding dtabs.


kind: io.l5d.k8s

Stores the dtab with the Kubernetes master via the ThirdPartyResource APIs. Requires a cluster running Kubernetes 1.2+ with the ThirdPartyResource feature enabled.

Key Default Value Description
experimental required Because this storage is still considered experimental, you must set this to true to use it.
host kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local The location of the Kubernetes API.
port 443 The port used to connect to the Kubernetes API.
tls true Whether to connect to the Kubernetes API using TLS.
tlsWithoutValidation false Whether to disable certificate checking against the Kubernetes API. Meaningless if tls is false.
authTokenFile no auth The location of the token used to authenticate against the Kubernetes API, if any.
namespace default The Kubernetes namespace in which dtabs will be stored. This should usually be the same namespace in which namerd is running.

How to check ThirdPartyResource is enabled 1. Open extensions/v1beta1 api - https://<k8s-cluster-host>/apis/extensions/v1beta1. 2. Check that kind ThirdPartyResource exists in response:

{ "kind": "APIResourceList", "groupVersion": "extensions/v1beta1", "resources": [ ... { "name": "thirdpartyresources", "namespaced": false, "kind": "ThirdPartyResource" } ] }

Example of configuration for ThirdPartyResource in Kubernetes

    name: # the hyphen is required by the Kubernetes API. This will be converted to the CamelCase name "DTab".
  apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
  kind: ThirdPartyResource
  description: stores dtabs used by Buoyant's `namerd` service
    - name: v1alpha1 # Do not change this value as it hardcoded in Namerd and doesn't work with other value.

Complete example of Namerd configuration with k8s storage and exposed 2 services for sync with Linkerd and Namerd API:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: namerd-sync
    app: namerd
  - name: sync
    port: 4100
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: namerd-api
    app: namerd
  - name: api
    port: 4180
  name: # the hyphen is required by the Kubernetes API. This will be converted to the CamelCase name "DTab".
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: ThirdPartyResource
description: stores dtabs used by Buoyant's `namerd` service
  - name: v1alpha1 # Do not change this value as it hardcoded in Namerd and doesn't work with other value.
kind: ConfigMap
apiVersion: v1
  name: namerd-config
  config.yml: |-
      port: 9991
      kind: io.l5d.k8s
      experimental: true
      - kind: io.l5d.k8s
        experimental: true
        port: 8001
      - kind: io.l5d.thriftNameInterpreter
        port: 4100
      - kind: io.l5d.httpController
        port: 4180
kind: ReplicationController
apiVersion: v1
  name: namerd
  replicas: 1
    app: namerd
        app: namerd
      dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst
        - name: namerd-config
            name: namerd-config
        - name: namerd
          image: buoyantio/namerd:<version> # specify required version or remove to use the latest
            - /io.buoyant/namerd/config/config.yml
            - -com.twitter.finagle.tracing.debugTrace=true
            - -log.level=DEBUG
          imagePullPolicy: Always
            - name: sync
              containerPort: 4100
            - name: api
              containerPort: 4180
            - name: "namerd-config"
              mountPath: "/io.buoyant/namerd/config"
              readOnly: true
        - name: kubectl
          image: buoyantio/kubectl:<version> # specify required version or remove to use the latest
          - "proxy"
          - "-p"
          - "8001"
          imagePullPolicy: Always


kind: io.l5d.zk

Stores the dtab in ZooKeeper.

Key Default Value Description
experimental required Because this storage is still considered experimental, you must set this to true to use it.
zkAddrs required A list of ZooKeeper addresses, each of which have host and port parameters.
pathPrefix /dtabs The ZooKeeper path under which dtabs should be stored.
sessionTimeoutMs 10000 ZooKeeper session timeout in milliseconds.
authInfo no auth when logging Configures the authentication information to use when logging. See authInfo.
acls an empty list A list of ACLs to set on each dtab znode created. See acls.


Key Default Value Description
scheme required The ZooKeeper auth scheme to use.
auth required The ZooKeeper auth value to use.


Key Default Value Description
scheme required The ACL auth scheme to use.
id required The ACL id to use.
perms required A subset of the string “crwda” representing the permissions of this ACL. The characters represent create, read, write, delete, and admin, respectively.


kind: io.l5d.etcd

Stores the dtab in Etcd.

Key Default Value Description
experimental required Because this storage is still considered experimental, you must set this to true to use it.
host localhost The location of the etcd API.
port 2379 The port used to connect to the etcd API.
pathPrefix /namerd/dtabs The key path under which dtabs should be stored.


kind: io.l5d.consul

Stores the dtab in Consul KV storage.

Key Default Value Description
experimental required Because this storage is still considered experimental, you must set this to true to use it.
host localhost The location of the consul API.
port 8500 The port used to connect to the consul API.
pathPrefix /namerd/dtabs The key path under which dtabs should be stored.
token no auth The auth token to use when making API calls.
datacenter uses agent’s datacenter The datacenter to forward requests to.
readConsistencyMode default Select between Consul API consistency modes such as default, stale and consistent for reads.
writeConsistencyMode default Select between Consul API consistency modes such as default, stale and consistent for writes.
failFast false If false, disable fail fast and failure accrual for Consul client. Keep it false when using a local agent but change it to true when talking directly to an HA Consul API